આ ઠંડીમાં એ રોજ સવારે ૩ વાગ્યે cycling કરવા જાય છે! This Iron Lady wakes up at 3am and does cycling and then sends her kid for swimming at 5 am! #inspiration #motivation #dhvanit #cycle #cycling #Cyclotsav #mehsana
આ ઠંડીમાં એ રોજ સવારે ૩ વાગ્યે cycling કરવા જાય છે! This Iron Lady wakes up at 3am and does cycling and then sends her kid for swimming at 5 am! #inspiration #motivation #dhvanit #cycle #cycling #Cyclotsav #mehsana
Facebook Had an amazing morning at Mehsana Cyclotsav yesterday! #cycle #cycling #Cyclotsav #fitness #health Had an amazing morning at Mehsana Cyclotsav yesterday! #cycle #cycling #Cyclotsav #fitness #health Had an amazing morning at Mehsana Cyclotsav yesterday! #cycle #cycling #Cyclotsav #fitness #health Read More Jan 08, 2018 1326
Morning at Mehsana! Was at the cycle Race where 2000 people participated. #cycle #cycling #Cyclotsav #mehsana https://t.co/XA5YZdEOgZ
Had a fun time at Cyclotsav in Mehsana today morning. #cycle #cycling #Cyclotsav #mehsana https://t.co/RLmRz5Z6Ee