is a Marathon of Morning Mantras! My favourite : Life में जब भी कोई pattern बनने लगे तो its time to pause and think about it. 3 Cheers to life!

DearZindagi, shahrukhkhan, srk, aliabhatt, loveyouzindagi, mirchimoviereview

#DearZindagi is a Marathon of Morning Mantras!

My favourite : Life में जब भी कोई pattern बनने लगे तो its time to pause and think about it.

3 Cheers to life!

#shahrukhkhan #srk #aliabhatt #loveyouzindagi #mirchimoviereview

#DearZindagi is a Marathon of Morning Mantras! My favourite : Life में जब भी कोई pattern बनने लगे तो its time to pause and think about it. 3 Cheers to life! #shahrukhkhan #srk #aliabhatt #loveyouzindagi #mirchimoviereview

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