Feeling nostalgic when I encountered my own memories From the first Kankaria Carnival till this one the experience has always been special and enriching An event that is close to my heart Thank you AmdavadAMC ibijalpatel vnehra for giving me tis opportunity


Feeling nostalgic when I encountered my own memories. From the first Kankaria Carnival till this one,the experience has always been special and enriching. An event that is close to my heart #KankariaCarnival
Thank you @AmdavadAMC @ibijalpatel @vnehra for giving me tis opportunity https://t.co/gTfxuNStfT

Feeling nostalgic when I encountered my own memories. From the first Kankaria Carnival till this one,the experience has always been special and enriching. An event that is close to my heart #KankariaCarnival Thank you @AmdavadAMC @ibijalpatel @vnehra for giving me tis opportunity https://t.co/gTfxuNStfT

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