Oye Amdavad Watch the video and win free passes for Amit Trivedi s Indradhanush Colours of Life concert at Ahmedabad Shopping Festival on 29th Jan ameet_trivedi

dhvanitkafavourite, indradhanush, amittrivedi, ASF

Oye Amdavad! Watch the video and win* free passes for Amit Trivedi’s Indradhanush : Colours of Life concert at Ahmedabad Shopping Festival on 29th Jan! #dhvanitkafavourite #indradhanush
#ASF @ameet_trivedi

Oye Amdavad! Watch the video and win* free passes for Amit Trivedi’s Indradhanush : Colours of Life concert at Ahmedabad Shopping Festival on 29th Jan! #dhvanitkafavourite #indradhanush #amittrivedi #ASF @ameet_trivedi

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