Win an Its Aapnu ka tomorrow Share your typical Amdavadi The most mirchidar one would get a Smartphone in You can DM me the selfie or mail it to dhvanit radiomirchi com Conditions Apply

Oppo, Smartphone!, amdavad, birthday, Selfie!, opposelfieshukravaar., opposelfieexpert, oppocameraphones

Win* an #Oppo #Smartphone!

Its Aapnu #amdavad ka #birthday tomorrow. Share your typical Amdavadi #Selfie! The most mirchidar one would get* a Smartphone in #opposelfieshukravaar. You can DM me the selfie or mail it to

#opposelfieexpert #oppocameraphones

*Conditions Apply

Win* an #Oppo #Smartphone! Its Aapnu #amdavad ka #birthday tomorrow. Share your typical Amdavadi #Selfie! The most mirchidar one would get* a Smartphone in #opposelfieshukravaar. You can DM me the selfie or mail it to #opposelfieexpert #oppocameraphones *Conditions Apply

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